Equinoxe Reverse System
Clinical and radiographic outcomes with a posteriorly augmented glenoid for Walch B2, B3, and C glenoids in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Die Rolle des Scapular-Notching bei inverser Schulterendoprothese.
Equinoxe Broschüre – 12-0000337 Rev B
Equinoxe Glenoid Augmentationen Operationstechnik – 718-04-43 RevB
Equinoxe Glenoid Produktblatt
Equinoxe Primär und Reverse Operationstechnik
Equinoxe Reverse Operationstechnik Poster
Equinoxe Shoulder Augmented Reverse Glenoid Implants Operative Technique
Equinoxe Shoulder Primary/Reverse Operative Technique – 718-01-30 Rev K
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Equinoxe Shoulder Superolateral Operative Technique – 718-04-32 Rev C
Equinoxe Shoulder System Founding Surgeons Philosophy
Impact of scapular notching on clinical outcomes after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: an analysis of 476 shoulders.
Impact of screw length and screw quantity on reverse total shoulder arthroplasty glenoid fixation for 2 different sizes of glenoid baseplates.
Kit Book
Scapular Notching in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.
Shoulder Abstracts Booklet – 12-0000920
£0.00 -
Video: Acute Reverse for Proximal Humerus Fracture with Joseph Zuckerman, MD – 718-02-34
Video: Biomechanical Summary of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty – 718-04-91
Video: Equinoxe Baseplates for Medial Wear in Shoulder Arthroplasty – 718-00-05
Video: Equinoxe Baseplates for Posterior Wear in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty – 718-00-03
Video: Equinoxe Baseplates for Superior Wear in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty – 718-00-04
Video: Equinoxe Glenoid Components for Posterior Wear in Shoulder Arthroplasty – 718-00-02
Video: Equinoxe Reverse Operative Technique – 718-04-34
Why I Use the Equinoxe System